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 WEEKLY REPORT FROM 09/01/2023 to 13/01/2022

DAY 16 - JANUARY 9,2023                                 

                        The first day of the Fifth week in MKLMHSS. We entered the school on regular time and signed the attendance register. We went to the place allocated to us and waited for the morning assembly to begin at 9:15 am, the students fall in the ground. After that we waited for the scheduling of substitution periods. During the lunch break, we served the midday meal to the students. Today I got class in 9I (6th period).  I started the class with asking them about previous portions. All of them responded very well. After that I was discussed about the topic freefall motion.Then I given notes to the students. Most of the children responded well. In the evening, around 3:45 pm we left the school.

DAY 17: JANUARY 10, 2023

On Tuesday as per the timing we reached the school before 9 am and signed the register. In the 3rd period, I got my class in 8E where I had to start a New topic in the chapter Sound in physics. I gave them the preliminary details about the chapter and taught the topic introductory part. We left the school by 3:45 pm.

DAY 18: JANUARY 11TH, 2023

On Wednesday as usual we reached the school around 9 am and signed the register.  We waited in the place allotted to us for the substitution I got my class in fifth period in 8E .Today I discussed about natural frequency in detail .It was a nice experience for us In the noon, we served the midday meal to the students. I got my class in the afternoon. The  Students were very attentive. Then by 4:00 pm we left the school. 

DAY 19: JANUARY 12,2023

On Thursday I reached the school at 9:20 am and signed the attendance register. The classes begun with a short but sweet prayer at 9:30 am. In the noon, we served the midday meal to the students. In the afternoon also we got many substitution periods. I had my class in the 2nd period, in 8E where I discussed about charecteristics of sound .We left the school at 3.45pm.

DAY 20:JANUARY  13,2023

On Friday I reached the school at 9.00 am.As it was Friday the lunch break starts from 12.30 to 2:00 pm. We have assigned the duty to serve meals.I had my class in 3rd period, in 9 I where I discussed about new chapter current electricity.In the afternoon I got substitution period .We left the school at 3.45 pm.


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