In this current era, it is very important to expose young people to a kind of environment that involves living working, and sharing to create a wide range variety of life experiences. The problem with today's youth generation is that they are active on social networking sites while not when it comes to real society. The community living camp's main aim is to make teachers more socially responsible and to strengthen their social relationships in the immediate community. The art of living in a multi-cultural setting is indeed a herculean task. Community teaches values such as honesty, mutual trust, healthy social relationships, mutual respect, equality of male and female, national integration, communal harmony, and religious tolerance through secular attitude and patience. A community living camp was organized as part of our 2-year B.Ed curriculum, which was scheduled for 5 days from 2nd March 2023 to 6th March 2023. It was a residential camp. Fatima Memorial Training Colle...