Sci-Ra : The Science of Raman was a great opportunity for us to explore the Science..... On 28 February 2022, As a part of National Science day in the memory of Sri C V Raman we the batch physical science have got the oppurtunity for conducting the programme on scince on this day(28 february). We along with senior batch and our beloved tutor Fazida maam started the works for the day Several programmes where arranged at that day."Integrated Approach in science and technology for Sustainable Future" this was the theme of Science day 2022. We all have equally participated in the programme. We all dressed in a dress code black and white. We arranged a special speach on science and interestingly one power point presentation was also created. As usual after prayer and fathiha principal Dr Lekshmi maam, students and teachers stayed back at the seminar hall Vishnupriya one of oru colle...